Summer Reflections...The Behavior Binder

Going into the 2016-2017 school year, I was excited and enthusiastic about using a behavior binder.  Though I really haven’t had any major behavior problems in recent years, I always do struggle with the typical chattiness of students.  In theory, this was a fantastic idea.
Here are some of the positives…
A-     It’s instant documentation of the behavior incident.
B-      It ensures that the student reflects on this behavior. 
C-     After every entry is a teacher/student conference. 
D-    I miraculously remember to speak with students after they go into the binder.
And while all of these positives still hold true, the behavior binder did not feel like a success this year. 
So what went wrong? 
A-     I felt that the same two students were the only repeat offenders and that they would have kept going in the binder over and over if I didn’t eventually give up on it. 
B-      It seemed ominous to the students in September, but lost its scare tactics by Christmas.
C-     It didn’t have a plan to coincide with our school consequences.
D-    Even though it’s supposed to be student run (and it was) it felt like extra work for me. Somehow…it just didn’t mesh. 
What are some possibilities for behavior issues for next year?
A-     Holding my own personal after school detentions (kids have to come in and write a letter of apology/clean for me)
B-      Keep the behavior binder BUT make sure that if a student records an entry in  the behavior binder, then it will be sent as an incident to our school report where the student loses school achievement points
C-     Have students JUST sign a sheet in the binder (instead of description and reflection) and then go forward with same consequence as in B
D-    Simply use school-wide consequences/forget any classroom log

I would love to hear from anyone who has any relating tips/tricks!  I’ll be thinking about it a bit more this summer before I decide.  By the way- I think this would work MUCH more easily and successfully if I had a self-contained elementary class.  Middle school tends to complicate all those cutesy ideas!  But I still love and wouldn’t trade my grade and classes! <3
