Transition Year

Hello world!

Well, to my little blogger world anyway. :)

I was so excited to start a brand new year of teaching as a tenured teacher and decked out my little blog in celebration.  Well that was in the fall...and now it's April!  =0

I have so many ideas I've wanted to blog about, but it has been a rough year.  Actually, teaching wise, I have had great students and every day is a happy day with them.  However, what with PARCC, SGOs, PGPs, new evaluations, new evaluators, the stress has been high.  Our district also went from a long-time could care less  hands off administrator to a highly involved administrator.  As with all transitions in life, our school has been through a lot of ups and downs. Of course, student behavior is much better in the school system overall, but so are the demands.

So my thoughts this year drift in and out like this...
                 If I could just have a day with me and my students.
                              Just one day to teach.  
             Just one day where all I'm asked to do is teach.  
One day where the server goes down and I don't have to answer to emails.  
                                     Just one day....

Anyone else relate?  Needless to say, the burnout is real and I'm looking forward to the summer.

BUT- to end on a positive note- I have stored up a lot of great ideas for blogs from this year and am hoping to get back into blogging in May.  (I'm also the play director and the play season ends the last weekend in April!)

Though they may be few, I hope my followers out there remember me, and I look forward to more teacher discussions and exchanges of ideas in the future.  The best is yet to come. =)
