If you guys are like me, you're probably thinking...enough with the teaching drama already!
SGOs (we had to redo them), new evaluations, (now our website updates and absences go into our evaluations!!), and so many other pressures of teaching can really wear down on us teachers.
So for me, my extracurricular activity is a complete break from all the teachingbs paperwork. And yes, I am taking a break from teaching drama to.....teaching Drama! ;)
This was a Pinterest-inspired bulletin board (not one specific pin, but ideas in general) and I am very proud of it. I will post any announcements on a pushpin below the calendars/practice schedules. I didn't quite think about the need to post notes to students until after I was done with my creation, but eh...it still works.
So I'm sorry if this post wasn't super informative or helpful, but I think we all can relate to the need for a little fun in our day to day teaching lives. And hey- if I've inspired you to make a fun bulletin board or even made you smile, then I'm happy!
SGOs (we had to redo them), new evaluations, (now our website updates and absences go into our evaluations!!), and so many other pressures of teaching can really wear down on us teachers.
So for me, my extracurricular activity is a complete break from all the teaching
So I'm sorry if this post wasn't super informative or helpful, but I think we all can relate to the need for a little fun in our day to day teaching lives. And hey- if I've inspired you to make a fun bulletin board or even made you smile, then I'm happy!
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