New blog and giveaway!

Welcome friends!  Thank you for stopping by to read my little blog.  I'm happy you did!

A few months ago, I came upon Lindsey at L Paull Designs for All and fell in love with her teacher friendly blog designs.  After signing up for the November slot, I lucked out (Lindsey was able to get to mine earlier) and now have a beautiful new blog to share with you!  

Side note: Lindsey has been a terrific help in getting my blog more reader and blogger friendly.  I was actually a little sad when the whole process was over.  It was so much fun to get home from work and check out the new blog additions!) Still, I am so very pleased with my blog's fresh start! 

So I'd like to explain a bit of the reason for my new title...back when I started a blog and had NO idea what I was doing as a blogger (simultaneously thinking I was pretty creative for a middle school teacher), the name "creative-in-middle-school" was born.  Now maaaybe I am in the high ranks for creativity in my school, but compared to all of the other brilliant teachers/bloggers out there, I am in no way superior to others as far as creativity goes.  Am I creative?  Sure!  But so are hundreds of other teachers.  

Long story short: the name wasn't suiting me anymore and my love for the antique (I'm assuming) blue chalkboard in my classroom seemed like a unique idea for a blog name.

As a welcome back/thank you for visiting gift, I would like to give away my newest TPT activity/lesson plans.  It is a metaphor lesson and activity using the song "Sky Full of Stars" by Coldpay.  Check it out HERE!

Please post your email as a comment and I will send it to you! =)  Enjoy


  1. I love your new look and title! I've been wanting a change for SO long, but I feel stuck to my name since I've had it since 2008!

    1. Wow-2008! I don't blame you for feeling so tied to your name!


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