Happy Sunday! That’s right it’s Sunday night (10:30) and I am up
blogging. (Linking up with Mrs. Laffin)
I am one lucky teacher to be
granted the day off for Veterans Day.
Also, due to the nature of the “end of
marking period assignments”, I have been pretty much in the clear for lesson
plans. My students are all on the
publishing stage of their Personal Narratives.
This translates into my kids typing next week and me just going over
some finishing touches with one-on-one conferences.
Pretty low key.
Last week was also pretty low key, since we had off on Thursday and
Friday for teachers’ convention in NJ.
(TRYING not to boast!)
tomorrow is the last day of the marking period, I had my students present their
“Book Talks” on their independent reading books last Tuesday and
I offered 5 points extra credit if students presented on Tuesday, a regular grade on Wednesday, and a big fat “zero” if students were not prepared to talk on Wednesday.
I offered 5 points extra credit if students presented on Tuesday, a regular grade on Wednesday, and a big fat “zero” if students were not prepared to talk on Wednesday.
( I handed out this
rubric/direction sheet a few weeks ago.
I told students that they would need to present it to me at the time of
their book talk. If it was not there for
me, I would take 5 points off. )
But the overall feel from students was that they enjoyed and remembered their stories!
For those of you who support independent reading in class, how do you handle assessment? Also, how do you work out nonfiction within independent reading.
Thanks and have a good week everyone!
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