1. 1. My students celebrated
the completion of their Personal Narratives this week. I invited other teachers (and one other
class). I am so, so proud of my
students. The day started off with a
trip to DD, then into the room early to prep my writing bulletin board and
finish getting the room ready for company.
Teachers were happy for coffee (box o’joe), students were happy for
munchkins, and I was one proud teacher!
Students read their writing from a printed paper while the audience read
it off of the projector. (I save all student work onto my USB.) The best thing was that when a CST member saw
some of my resource students she told me afterwards she’d like to see them move
up into an in class support setting. Yay
for progress!
( BTW- how I differentiate classes and still
keep them on the same schedule <more or less>: the day before the celebration, my aid,
speech teacher and I prepped the resource students and let them practice
reading. The day before with my regular
ed, the students made signs and helped decorate for the big day!) Also-
you will see little comment cards on my bulletin board- those are from peers
and teachers. We will add to it for
every writing celebration this year.
2. Cuddling up in the cold
weather. I just love being cozy!
Thanksgiving is coming soon! As
much as I love teaching, it will be so nice to relax and enjoy time with family
and friends.
We are starting the novel From the Mixed Up Files of Mrs. Basil E.
Frankweiler next week. It was my favorite
book as a kid, so I can’t wait to teach it (again). Also- my cousin and I are planning a trip to
the Metropolitan Museum of Art during Thanksgiving weekend so I can take some
footage (hopefully video-if not pictures) to show my students.
Wine and painting. That’s
right. It is a glorious concept for a
girls’ night out. My friends and I did a
class at a place called Pinot’s Palette last night and had such a fun time. And now I have some artwork to add to my
apartment. :)
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