ISNs & Prezi Presentations

After a much needed day off spent “vegging out” on Saturday, I came upon Ms. Rubin’s blog.  If anyone is interested in starting an Interactive Student Notebook next year, I highly recommend that you check out her blog.  This is a goldmine of ISN resources, ideas, and answers to those “what if?” questions. 

Ms. Rubin’s blog also introduced me to Prezi Presentations.  I’m sure that I’ve heard of them before but either was too busy to bother or just wasn’t interested enough to really find out what these are all about.  Well…yesterday I was interested AND had the time.   My reaction? “I know what I’ll be working on all summer!”  I couldn’t resist and started working on one today.  Though *real life* will prevent me from doing more than playing, I’m psyched to make my lessons more attractive and appealing for next year.
The Prezi website also appears to be very user friendly.  Still, I’d love to hear if you have any advice/recommendations/ideas regarding Prezi.  If so, feel free to leave a comment! 

Happy Sunday!
