Interactive Student Notebook Linky Party

Today, I am linking up to my first linky party!  Hopefully I did this right. ;)

After a year spent reading blogs, pinning, and essentially researching, I am ready to go forth with Interactive Student Notebooks! 

First off…if you’re an ELA teacher, feel free to check out my Pinterest board where I pinned some great ideas! 

Second off… I just recently wrote about this blog, but I still can’t get over how helpful it is pertaining to setting up an ISN for the first time.

Finally, though I’ve still got a whole summer’s worth of ISN prep work to do…here is my first project….ISN rules.  I already know that my students will be using marble or composition notebooks, so I”ve just gotten used to making documents 3/4 the size of a normal page to make sure they fit in the notebooks.

I'm looking forward to a summer of more fresh ideas and inspiration!  And then fingers crossed this all works for the fall! I know it's a learning process, but I have a feeling I'm going to love this change 


  1. Looking like a great start! I love how you are taking time to plan and hanks for linking up to the INB Linky Party this month! :)

    Jennifer Smith-Sloane

  2. Thanks! It was fun reading everyone's different ideas and perspectives and I'm so excited to get started on it!


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