When silliness is okay.

I wonder if anyone else has a tried and true joke they use in the classroom…
I do!  It has been a joke that started in a minor way when I had to illustrate a point on the chalkboard…and then evolved.  

AND, out it came today.  I started my lesson by passing out a sheet of notes on genres and subgenres.  We talked about the meaning of the prefix sub and compared it to a submarine.  Then I told the kids that I think of genres as a big ocean and that there are five big oceans with many subgenres (submarines) inside of each ocean.  Then I told them that I was going to be gracing them with some of my artwork and kind of went off on a side chat that made the class and aide in awe over my discussion of how I am an award winning artist.  Then I went back to the genre/subgenre lesson and told the kids to sit tight in their seats while I illustrated my ocean & submarine analogy.  Taking my time to pick out colored chalk, the kids were squirming in their seats with anticipation!  Next, just as I was about to draw I thought out loud, “Hey…no one asked how old I was when I received this award..”  As the class started to ponder and guess in the background, I drew some real rudimentary waves and blobs that were supposed to be submarines.  Finally I told the class (and the bemused aide) that the award I won was a sticker from my kindergarten teacher in kindergarten!. 

Later on, when I noticed that the kids had not been out of their seats the whole time during out 2 period block, I started an eyes-closed-spinning-and-pointing-game to pick which was the next reader to read our story from the textbook out loud.

It’s all so silly sounding, I know, but my sweet (and ever so slightly immature) 6th graders ate it up (and learned!), which really made my day!
