Classroom Set Up....Halfway Done???

Why does it feel like the more I accomplish, the more work there is to be done?  I am very satisfied with what has been done in my classroom, but I just want to do a lot more.  Most teachers in my middle school haven’t even been back into the school!  Funny!  We do get an afternoon before the kids come in to set up.  I think that’s when everyone does their bulletin boards and what not.    I however, do much more than bulletin boards (it’s the elementary teacher in me) and would rather have that afternoon to do planning/curriculum. In any case, though it is a work in progress, I’ll post a few pics of my classroom!  The one project I found and utilized from PINTEREST this year is colored chalkboard paint.  Sooooo easy!!!! Check out my framed “Word of the Day” chalkboard.  

The coral is a prop from last year's play.  It is hot glued to metal bins and I'm housing my prizes in there.  

I put colored contact paper on my desk to "beautify" it.  I'm pondering taping some sort of mini pictures or quotes on there, still not sure yet though.

 This posterwas made for me by a former student.  Although it doesn't match my beach theme, I just adore it!

I lucked out with the clouds and boat....just happened to have made them last year, but they seem to mesh well this year as well.
