Among all of the other reasons I love partaking in teacher blogging is the feeling that I'm not alone. Sometimes I'm frustrated with my current vocab. curriculum and come on here to look for ideas. Summer sneak peaks of classrooms are always super exciting (and I really meant that super). And this week...well it was just nice to know I'm not the only one with bittersweet feelings about winter break ending.
While it is kind of depressing to look to less sleep and more stress,
I find it satisfying to get back into planning.
With our school moving to block scheduling, I have been teaching a project enrichment class elective. This class is a bit nuts, since I'm pretty much inventing the curriculum as I go. Still there are a lot of sweet perks to it. Anytime I see cute project ideas online that I'd never have time to do with my English classes....bam! They're perfect for my enrichment class. It's a perfect way for me to get my creative fix in since my English class time has been cut in half and I'm pretty no-nonsense these days. There are TONS of New Years Resolutions activities out here for FREE on TPT and I'm excited to be using at least one of them next week.
The following link and picture look fun! I think If I were a kid, I'd want to fill it out!
New Year's Resolution Link
And then on to English class. well we're going to be reviewing a bit of figurative language and going through some literature ISN lessons from i'mlovinlit before starting novel units. But before we even get to that, we've got to glue a whole bunch of anchor charts in our ISNs from the last writing unit.
I really want to talk about that as well, but since this blog post is already a bit too long for our casual (and hopefully restful) Sundays before work, I'll dedicate another post to that.
Last but not are two freebie links from my TPT shop. Grab them now because I'll be making these and more into a priced bundle of mini-project activities. I just like activities like these because they're quick and easy project ideas that are perfect for sub plans or fillers. I will be using these with my enrichment class. I think these are perfect for any enrichment or elementary class. Enjoy!
Campaign Poster Assignment
Figurative Language Poem Project
While it is kind of depressing to look to less sleep and more stress,
I find it satisfying to get back into planning.
With our school moving to block scheduling, I have been teaching a project enrichment class elective. This class is a bit nuts, since I'm pretty much inventing the curriculum as I go. Still there are a lot of sweet perks to it. Anytime I see cute project ideas online that I'd never have time to do with my English classes....bam! They're perfect for my enrichment class. It's a perfect way for me to get my creative fix in since my English class time has been cut in half and I'm pretty no-nonsense these days. There are TONS of New Years Resolutions activities out here for FREE on TPT and I'm excited to be using at least one of them next week.
The following link and picture look fun! I think If I were a kid, I'd want to fill it out!
New Year's Resolution Link
And then on to English class. well we're going to be reviewing a bit of figurative language and going through some literature ISN lessons from i'mlovinlit before starting novel units. But before we even get to that, we've got to glue a whole bunch of anchor charts in our ISNs from the last writing unit.
I really want to talk about that as well, but since this blog post is already a bit too long for our casual (and hopefully restful) Sundays before work, I'll dedicate another post to that.
Last but not are two freebie links from my TPT shop. Grab them now because I'll be making these and more into a priced bundle of mini-project activities. I just like activities like these because they're quick and easy project ideas that are perfect for sub plans or fillers. I will be using these with my enrichment class. I think these are perfect for any enrichment or elementary class. Enjoy!
Campaign Poster Assignment
Figurative Language Poem Project
I hope you enjoy block scheduling! I have always wondered how much deeper I would be able to teach if we were in block scheduling. Please keep us updated!