RACE for open ended questions

Hi everyone, 

I'm hoping to write more later, but here is a picture post of how I teach RACE for open ended questions.

1. Read personal narrative (written by student) highlight for SWAG (Sophisticated Words Add Greatness) 

(this also teaches students about personal narratives)

2.  Review mini-anchor chart on RACE.  Read sample response to a ? about ANOTHER story students have already read. 

3.  As a class/with teacher help, respond to first question using RACE.  ( I post responses to each part of the acronym on the projector.)  Students gain a sticker for each part of the acronym they have accomplished.  First this goes for just copying.  During the second round, this goes for coming up with their own responses.  While students are working, I go around and check to make sure the responses are correct and complete.  Often students need to revisit and fix or add to their work to get a sticker and move on.  

I work with splitting up the sections of RACE with stickers for the first few times of writing an open-ended response.  First we stop using stickers, then students stop spacing out their answers.  Then, they stop labeling the letters of RACE.  Finally, it looks like a complete open-ended response.  Patience is a virtue in this teaching strategy. :)
